Friday, February 12, 2010

First Post Jitters

Six months ago, I agonized over the name of my blog. I searched creative names that I liked or thought were catchy, only to find that they were already taken. Like salt in my wound, the blogs had not been lovingly kept up to date and had been neglected for years (literally). In some cases, they never had an entry past one titled "Test." Here I am six months later, finally getting over my perfection issues (the need to have my blog looking pretty and completely set-up) and posting an entry. I apologize to anyone wanting to have the everyday wife life blog name, I feel your frustration. I am finally moving forward....

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blog land! I remember what it was like to start my blog almost a year ago. I can relate to the first post jitters, mulling over titles and designs and then finally just sitting down and writing from my heart. I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to reading more of your blog!
